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6. FAQ's

How do I join the club?

Simply click on the Join button on this page and follow the registration steps. For more information, go to the Registration section under Information.

How to I sign my children up to the club?

First register yourself and choose the role of Parent. Then follow the steps to register your children if they intend to play rugby.

Does it matter my children or I have never played rugby before?

No, not at all. Everyone starts rugby somewhere and we will find a team that suits your age and skill level. We'll be gentle, we promise.

Is rugby dangerous?

Rugby is a physical sport involving collisions but with proper training and some physical conditioning, the chances of injury can be reduced.

Young children aged under 8 years old will first play a form of non-tackling rugby.

Players of all ages must wear mouth guards during matches.

All clubs have qualified first aid trained representatives at training and matches.

The Hong Kong Rugby Union takes child welfare very seriously and has information/resources available on their website.

When does the season start?

The junior section season commences on 3rd September 2023 and runs until March but new members can join at any time during the season.

The Senior section has already started pre-season training so feel free to come along and join a session and make some friends. The season starts with the Premiership League's Super Saturday