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Director of Rugby 2023-24: Marno Mayer

Director of Rugby 2023-24: Marno Mayer

Mandy Lam - Sandy Bay MarComm29 Sep 2023 - 04:49
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To a great year ahead!

It's that time of the year again, where all our weekends will be filled with rugby games and events. With the new season starting, we would like to officially introduce Marno Meyer as our Director of Rugby.

Marno comes from a background of playing international professional rugby and has worked with many greatest coaches in the rugby world. With the full on commitment and passion for the game and for the club, we are grateful for all he has done and contributed.

Everyone, let's hear it for Marno!

"Dear Sandy Bay Club Members,

As the Director of Rugby, I wanted to take a moment to address all of you and extend my warmest wishes for the upcoming season. It fills me with immense pride to witness the growth of our senior men's and women's teams, an accomplishment made possible by the unwavering dedication and hard work of countless individuals within our club.

For our Premiership men's side, our goal is to build upon the strong foundations we established last year. We aspire to create a team that embodies the values of our club and competes fiercely for trophies. Together, we will strive to make our entire club proud of the achievements we attain on the field.

In Prem A grade, we have assembled a formidable squad comprising a blend of seasoned veterans and promising young talents. Under the guidance of our newly appointed coach, Martin Oosthuisen, we aim to develop and nurture our academy players, integrating them into the Prem A squad. Our ultimate objective is to witness their growth as they progress through the ranks of our club.

The incredible efforts put forth by Mike Coates, newly appointed coach Marlize vd Merwe, and Mandy Lam deserve special recognition. Their tireless work in building the women's game within our club is evident to all. We strive to reach our rightful place in the women's Premiership and foster the development of local talent through our junior pathways. Together, we can bring our women's team to new heights and forge a legacy for future generations.

Let us not forget our beloved Marauders, the heart and soul of our club. I eagerly anticipate witnessing their indomitable spirit on the field, scoring magnificent tries and reigniting the flame of social rugby after the challenges we've faced in recent years. The Marauders embody the true essence of our club, and their unwavering commitment adds immeasurable value to our rugby community.

Finally wishing our Sandy Bay Youth and Mini Rugby Program continued success this year! We extend our best of luck to our talented young athletes as they build upon last year's achievements.

Introducing Dean Rossouw, our Head of Youth Rugby, and Sunia Fumeitau, our Head of Mini Rugby. Their exceptional work has strengthened our youth pathways, and we are grateful for their dedication.

With Dean's expertise and passion, our youth players will receive top-notch training and mentorship. Likewise, Sunia's leadership will nurture our mini rugby players, imparting valuable life lessons.

To our young athletes, embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead. Success is not just about winning, but also personal growth and camaraderie. We trust you'll represent our club with integrity and sportsmanship.

Let's rally behind our Sandy Bay Youth and Mini Program, fostering growth, teamwork, and a lifelong love for the game.

As we embark on this season, it is essential that we remember we are in a rebuilding phase. Nonetheless, we are united and moving in the right direction. I implore each and every one of you to work together, support each other, and transform Sandy Bay into a powerhouse of rugby in Hong Kong across all grades. Our collective efforts will shape the future of our club and leave a lasting legacy.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and dedication. I wish you all an incredible season filled with camaraderie, growth, and memorable moments. Let us embrace the challenges ahead with enthusiasm and determination, knowing that together we can achieve greatness.

Best regards,
Marno Meyer"

Further reading